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Experience-Backed Solutions for Successful Test Automation

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The Challenge

Agile is both an enjoyable and efficient approach to software development. However, frequent changes bring the need for test automation. Unfortunately, many test frameworks fall short in terms of effectiveness.

crawling up a hill
Test automation is often tedious ...

The development and maintenance of test scripts are often expensive. Consequently, test coverage is low, leaving critical business scenarios untested.

This leaves the team operating under a cloud of risk. When bugs slip through, they require immediate and time-consuming fixes, disrupting the agile development flow.

The Approach

Drawing from a wealth of experience from various automation projects, I can help you design and build a cost-effective test framework.

walking up the hill on stairs
... Our mission is to increase efficiency through innovation.

While modular, robust test code can keep maintenance costs in check, this alone doesn't guarantee success. To tip the cost-benefit equation in favor of benefits, the test framework must go beyond executing static scenarios — it should support the team in systematically developing the application.

As the benefits outweigh the costs, the test framework gains traction within your team. Transforming into a central hub, it promotes collaboration to create a comprehensive test suite.

This clears the cloud of uncertainty so your team can genuinely embrace the rhythm of agile development and remain confident in the quality of their work.

Case Study

AXA logo

Web Test Framework («WTF») for AXA Switzerland

AXA transitioned from an old Cobol application to a modern Java-based platform. The new solution is built on top of a third-party contract administration system, customized and seamlessly integrated with in-house developed applications such as CRM and quotation systems. Updates roll out on a fortnightly basis.

«An impressive 90% of our regression tests are automated using the «WTF». Moreover, with reusable automation steps, we can use it very flexibly. The «WTF» frees up space for our daily tasks.»

Markus Wong — Senior Business Analyst, AXA Switzerland

From the start, it was clear that we needed to automate most of the testing, Otherwise, manual testing costs would have skyrocketed.

The Web Test Framework («WTF») started as a development project. But because business processes were complex and still evolving, the involvement of business analysts was essential. However, we understood that their support would be limited unless the «WTF» quickly demonstrated added value.

To quickly deliver tangible value, our first step was to automate contract recording. The «WTF» could input complex constellations into the target application. This feature enabled business analysts to establish a clean initial state for further testing.

The analyst team enthusiastically embraced this approach, recognizing its speed and ability to prevent errors. They rapidly captured all relevant contract constellations into the «WTF».

Subsequently, in collaboration with the analyst team, we added modification and verification steps that execute after contract creation. Gradually, we fully automated most regression tests.

Currently, there is an expert group consisting of business analysts and developers who take care of the maintenance of the automated test suite. Maintenance tasks are carried out efficiently through established processes.

Architecture Diagram

About Me

I first encountered test automation during my master's thesis while working on a unit-tested C application. It felt liberating to change code without the dread of unintended consequences.

Intrigued, I entered the field but soon grew weary of repeatedly creating new yet similar frameworks for each project. To solve this problem, I founded a company to develop a universal test framework.

However, I realized that businesses favored custom frameworks, given the unique nature of each project. Though a setback, it honed my ability to develop targeted solutions.

Many years later, the delight I observe in my clients exploring test automation still takes me back to that sense of freedom during my thesis days.



Peter Farkas


TestGroove GmbH
Dättwilerstrasse 40D
CH-5405 Baden